About Me
Hey! I'm Jess and I’m a British transplant living in Los Angeles, specializing in UX Design and User Research with music in mind.
I have worked with clients in large and small organizations in the UK and USA including Discogs, Native Instruments, ADP, EY, UCLA as well various music startups.
I enjoy breaking down complex processes in order to help technology integrate more seamlessly into our everyday lives. I work to balance business needs with user needs and ultimately want to help shape useful, usable products and services that make a difference in the world we live in.
I write and release my own music and I love photography too. I’m a marathon runner and I love getting others excited about running. I am co-organizer of the No-Genre Club a community for music creatives and the We’ll Talk: UX peer mentorship series. Join us!
Some other things that you should probably know about me
I ask a lot of questions.
I seek out the detail.
I invest time in user research and testing, enabling me to see experiences from many different perspectives and change quickly.
I study website analytics deeply to help back up design decisions.
I place heavy emphasis on the Accessibility aspect of experiences from Captions to Contrast.
My creative ideas have their foundation in practicality. It might look pretty but will it work too?
I am a big fan of mixed reality experiences and think it's providing a huge playground for UX as we know it.
My educational experience has a foundation in holistic Service Design thinking.
I lead design facilitation workshops and find these a great way to get my teams energized and develop a deeper understanding.
I love a good juicy whiteboard, Sharpie and a Post-it note...I don’t mind doing this virtually though!
Photography is a hobby of mine. Some of my photos are below.
More can be found on my Photography Blog or my Instagram profile.
All photographs on this website are my own work.