Calendar Project


Due to increased output of daily event information and video streaming technology at Parliament, a better method of informing the public of daily proceedings in Parliament was required. 


Redesign of Parliamentary Calendar.

A few of the requirements were to:

  • Clearer visual interface in a more prominent place on our website.
  • Create unique urls for events.
  • Input live video streams and past video streams.
  • Ability for users to save events to their calendar apps.
  • Migration of content visualisation from tabbed to linear view allowing for improved accessibility.


Previous Calendar 

Previous Calendar 


user Research

Audience profiling: Who is this calendar for and who contributes to the information currently?

Audience Profiling Research

Collected Internal and External user feedback on current Calendar

User Feedback

Created user personas for external and internal users

User personas for external and internal users

Created user journeys for current access to calendar using my user personas

User journey for current state 

User journey for current state 

New Calendar

New calendar design

New calendar design